Friday, April 4, 2014

Swollen Buds

April 4,2014

Standing at the kitchen sink this morning,I noticed the swollen green buds on the Enkianthus Campanulatus.This native to Japan, zone 5 tree will have lovely little bell shaped flowers covering it later in the spring. The branching makes it sculpturally interesting through winter and fall color is often brilliant, so basically it is what one would call a specimen for year round landscape interest. I wouldn't recommend it for fragrance, however so locate it away from areas of entertaining!

The swollen buds got me to thinking about the sensuality of spring and how amidst all the glory of spring offerings, it is easy to lose focus on the smaller, less showy gifts of this season..When one looks closely and can pay attention, the richness of a swollen bud can be so astoundingly refreshing, a richly sensuous glimpse and forerunner of the lushness to come. And  looking around, swollen buds are everywhere, some already burst wide open (PJM rhodos, bridal veil spirea, camelias) and still others have already spent their bloom, And so it goes - this birthing season of sensuality.

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