Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Slowest of the performing arts

I once heard a garden designer describe gardens as being one of the slower performing arts. I have often thought how true that is..... An apt description of what unfolds day by day in the garden.
This year, the changes wrought by significant flooding just as May began, allows for new choices , much editing and interesting observations . Amazing difference in the soil, flooding transported 6 to 9 inches of sand and silt over much of the garden. Some plants completely disappeared while others emerged apparantly unscathed. Sweet William bloomed its heart out.Comfrey, peonies, orange butterfly weed,roses and lilacs all endured as well as a multitude of yummy strawberries . The Brown Turkey Fig is slowly returning and asparagus got the jump on me as it always does!
At first, I was kinda devastated by the flood, but experiencing the ever renewing growth in this little piece of earth is a daily performance of magic and art not to be missed.

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